
Monday, June 25, 2012

Norries Headland, Maggies Beach and Inland Trail

(As described by Graeme, Elaine and Ron)

This trail has been created to avoid any possible conflict with the location of a future caravan park precinct or the area designated as out of bounds due to sewage works.

The walk commences at the entry to Lions Park, just off the Coast Road/Hastings Road roundabout. The 1.6 kilometre walk includes the recent track prepared by Dune Care for National Tree Day.

The trail leads through an interesting variety of vegetation types.

A significant feature is the Banksia forest.

Kookaburras enjoy the forest as well.

Brightly coloured Bracket Fungi are located along the trail.

As you get closer to the beach the vegetation changes.

The entry to Maggies Beach.

Once on Maggies Beach, turn north and walk to Norries Headland and ascend the walkway.

The view from Norries is spectacular no matter which direction you may be facing. The photo shows Maggies Beach to the immediate south.

Descend the boardwalk and walk through to Lions Park and across to the point of entry for the walk.

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