
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Meeting Minutes 3 July 2012


  1. Mike
  2. Ron
  3. Elaine
  4. Faye
  5. Anthony


  1. Luke Porter

Purpose of Meeting

To Review progress on past actions, discuss any new issues or information and decide next steps.

Past Actions

  1. Locate current maps produced by NPWS "Cudgen Nature Reserve Plan of Management" - Graeme Waugh. (Complete - See images in 17 June Minutes) 
  2. Locate Rural Fire Service Trail Maps for area - Anthony Idle (Complete - consulted local fiery and they said they use the Topographical Maps rather than dedicated maps)
  3. Locate Maps of areas from Tweed Shire Council - Ron Hankin (Complete - Ron found some really simple examples of Walk Guide brochures at the Tweed Council, plus copies of cycleway maps. The cycleway maps seem incomplete and really don't form a circuit. They are also only concrete / bitumen style cycleways.) 
  4. Buy a topographical map of area - Anthony Idle (Complete - bought two copies if anyone needs to borrow / use just ask)
  5. Discuss location of Cudgen Lake trails with Magpie - Luke Porter (Luke is organising a meeting with Lake Precinct people and Magpie for a couple of weeks time on a Saturday morning.)
  6. Map out existing trails around the village - Mike Stanley (Mostly complete)
  7. Map the trails in the Western precinct - Luke Porter (Not sure how far have got.)
  8. Map the trails in the Southern Precinct - Elaine Hankin (Complete except for one along behind dunes)
  9. List up points of interest / significance to add to maps to ensure connection to trail network - All (Action point for all below)
  10. Distribute phone numbers and email addresses to start sharing information of who is doing what / when - Anthony Idle (Complete as per list)
  11. Create a place to share information on the web for access by team. Anthony Idle (Complete - Blog at - I will train people how to use this.) 
  12. Attend round table meeting with Wollumbin and Envirocentre groups. (Luke to organise)
  13. Type up minutes from meeting. Anthony Idle (Someone else's turn next ;-)

News & Info

Lakes Precinct 

  • Intend to organise a joint meeting with Camp Wollumbin group shortly.
  • Groups preferred date time is 10 am on 14 July. Alternative is 21st.
  • Caretaker of Camp Wollumbin is Dave the Club's greenskeeper.

Western Precinct

  • -

Village Precinct

  • Mike reported that there is access pretty much from behind the pond between Poinciana and Penda Ct all the way north to Clothiers Creek Rd.
  • Luke & Nick said there was possible funding available immediately through the Lions club if we want to do something with the trail between Pandanus Parade and Norries Headland. 
  • Agreed would be good to walk this trail the same day walk Camp Wollumbin trails.

Southern Precinct

Admin / General

  • There is another community group operating that has trails information.
  • Community Group Steering Committee meeting tonight Tues 3 July.

Next Steps / Follow Up Actions

Lakes Precinct

  • Luke Porter to organise joint meeting and walk on Lakes trails.

Western Precinct

  • Luke to map western trails.

Village Precinct

  • Mike to map western boundary.
  • Everyone to meet together when do Camp Wollumbin & Pandanus to Norries Headland walks.

Southern Precinct

  • Anthony to map the trail behind the dunes off the Goanna track.

Admin / General

  • All - list up a comprehensive points of interest list and description that we can cut and paste into a brochure plus plot on maps to ensure connected to an integrated trail network. 
  • Anthony to add access to the blog for Faye
  • Elaine to try and locate the history book relating to the Cudgen / Bogangar area via school / library network.
  • Anthony to touch base with the Tweed Historical Society to see where we get info and photos for Bogangar area.
  • Luke to report back from steering committee meeting what is happening with other community groups etc.
  • Anthony to touch base with Kerry re attending other groups meeting.
I think that is it??

I have missed something or got it wrong just let me know and I'll change it.

Next Meeting

Sat 14 at 10 am - Meet at Camp Wollumbin (Luke to Confirm)

Ps Faye - you were already given access but have not yet accepted the invite. It might be in your spam folder. Luke do you need a new invite or want to use a different email address?

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